
Tools for the analysis and evaluation of cyber-physical risks to the water systems
Operations Name Description
inp2cpa A Python script for the automatic creation of CPA files to be used by the the epanetCPA MATLAB® toolbox.
RISKNOUGHT A cyber-physical stress-testing platform for water distribution networks
RAET The Risk Analysis and Evaluation Toolkit (RAET) helps water utilities to identify the most vulnerable elements in their system, create ...
Epanet MSX EPANET is used in homeland security research to model contamination threats to water systems. Historically, EPANET has been limited to ...
Epanet CPA epanetCPA is an open-source object-oriented MATLAB® toolbox for modelling the hydraulic response of water distribution systems to cyber-physical attacks. epanetCPA ...
Epanet - EasySketch (EES) EES is a tool, used to generate a simplified hydraulic model of a pipeline network with the open source software ...
CPRISK-ABM CPRISK-ABM is a generic Agent Based Modelling approach which aims to render the behaviour of potential threat agents against key ...
AVAT Asset Vulnerability Assessment Tool